
spammed by louis vuitton knock-offs.

there is irony in this.  i’ve written a series of stories set in Hong Kong, the mecca of knock-offs, and in one particular story an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag stands out.  here’s an excerpt:

I admit that when I first saw her, I wondered why she was wearing a Shanghai Tang bathrobe out in public, but then her true spirit emerged and I knew exactly who she was.  I knew it as clearly as the amber beauty sitting in front of me is cold—cheers, by the way.  The reason I knew her was because I’d seen Jesus Christ Superstar on the telly at least twenty times.  I’d probably seen her image hundreds of times in total and this definitely was the Virgin Mary. Floating through the crowd toward me like dry ice into the mosh pit, her stiff silk bathrobe rustling, and an oversized Louis Vuitton bag on her arm.

Then she spoke.

“Oy,” she said.  “I’m the Virgin.”   She clambered onto the barstool and plunked down her big handbag.  (Rea Tarvydas)


i should rewrite the story as it’s flawed.  that said, i have a weakness for flawed.  don’t tell anyone.