2022 is a fucking mess

this year, for a variety of reasons, i’ve limped along rewriting my MS, and i’ve taken to writing out prompts. recently, i wrote a good one and i share it with you here, my imaginary readers of this blog, because it was fun. i’m currently writing it out into a short story, also fun. god … Read more


dear imaginary readers of this blog. well, here we are. surviving. i wrote this year, in fits and starts, and have new pages to show for it. for fun, i started a mystery novel in november (my own version of nanowrimo) and threw 11, 000 words onto the page. it felt great, TBH. there are … Read more


dear imaginary readers of this blog, currently, i’m handwriting a second draft of a novel and it’s slow, but it’s moving along in a forward motion. i’m fleshing out scenes and adding the internal dialogue of the MC, which is fruitful and good work, but it’s slow. sometimes it takes an hour to really nail … Read more

top book of 2020

normally i write a blog post about the best books i read in the year prior. it’s a tradition. this year, i acknowledge that i read a fair amount in 2020 and it was so hard to do, with the pandemic and resultant anxiety, and the creeping sadness of isolation. but i managed to read … Read more

a book club for writers

in the face of COVID winter, i started a book club for writers. it’s something many writers yearn for–a comfortable place to drop into analysis and symbols and flights of word fantasy with others who truly UNDERSTAND. it’s like talking shorthand. anyway, the first book is SING, UNBURIED, SING by Jesmyn Ward, a book from … Read more


it’s the 25th anniversary of The Women’s Prize aka The Orange Prize. i’ve listed the winners below. i resolve to read each of these books over the next 6 months and track the greatness. i could use the inspiration TBH. in reality, i’ve read only 4 of the books listed below and my memory is … Read more

10 (again)

time for a list. top 10 books that carry weight in my adult(ish) mind. a list on this particular day, for no particular reason, in no particular order: 1. WIDE SARGASSO SEA by Jean Rhys2. THE SUN ALSO RISES by Hemingway3. OLD FILTH by Jane Gardam4. JESUS’ SON by Denis Johnson5. THE REMAINS OF THE … Read more

it’s september

this summer i wrote for a progressive, prompt based contest at AWCS, and made it to the third and final round of ten finalists. i didn’t place but i wrote 3 stories that i can expand and try to find them homes. i’ll take it!


september morningsquirrels pitch pinecones onto the roofwhere are my socks?