dear alice #10

dear alice, this news, it’s too much to bear. love, rea a heartbroken writer

the end

i typed the end on a first draft. this is an accomplishment. now, it rests.

call and response

this is my response to the books i’ve read in 2023, short and immediate. i have no memory of ASTRA, and i don’t think that’s good, do you? DAUGHTER OF THE DEER was lovely but needed an edit. LOST CHILDREN ARCHIVE was complex and trying a bit too hard, TBH. but that’s okay. SUPERFAN was … Read more

my response to books i read in 2015

i’m doing a series of weekly prompts by Sarah Selecky and the prompt is to respond to the books i’ve read. i took the opportunity to do so with my 2015 book list in a kinda stream-of-consciousness way: Anatomy of a Girl Gang by Ashley Little (fiction). a disturbing scene that involves a curling iron. … Read more

fascinating, long article

according to Longform, Best Essay of 2012.  it’s anxiety provoking because it points out how humans rationalize.

an animated short          

famous writers first books

a list: 1.  JANE EYRE by Charlotte Bronte 2. INVISIBLE MAN by Ralph Ellison 3.  THE CATCHER IN THE RYE by J.D. Salinger 4.  THE BIG SLEEP by Raymond Chandler 5.  TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD by Harper Lee 6.  CATCH-22 by Joseph Heller 7.  THE VIRGIN SUICIDES by Jeffrey Eugenides 8.  WHITE TEETH by Zadie … Read more