david lynch, and the naked woman

david lynch shares a memory in the documentary THE ART LIFE: one night, i kinda have the feeling it was in the fall. and it was pretty late. usually my father would go outside and yell, “john! david!” and that would bring us home. but this night, it must have been, i don’t know, close … Read more

dear alice #10

dear alice, this news, it’s too much to bear. love, rea a heartbroken writer

the end

i typed the end on a first draft. this is an accomplishment. now, it rests.

call and response

this is my response to the books i’ve read in 2023, short and immediate. i have no memory of ASTRA, and i don’t think that’s good, do you? DAUGHTER OF THE DEER was lovely but needed an edit. LOST CHILDREN ARCHIVE was complex and trying a bit too hard, TBH. but that’s okay. SUPERFAN was … Read more

my response to books i read in 2015

i’m doing a series of weekly prompts by Sarah Selecky and the prompt is to respond to the books i’ve read. i took the opportunity to do so with my 2015 book list in a kinda stream-of-consciousness way: Anatomy of a Girl Gang by Ashley Little (fiction). a disturbing scene that involves a curling iron. … Read more

fascinating, long article

according to Longform, Best Essay of 2012.  it’s anxiety provoking because it points out how humans rationalize. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/12/17/121217fa_fact_khatchadourian?currentPage=all

an animated short
